ODI Hucker Signature Grips


ODI Hucker Signature Grips

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“After several revision we have nailed it with the perfect grip, my signature ODI Hucker grip! We got rid of the two ply grip compound and added extra rubber to the base of the ribs creating a more durable longer lasting and over all better feeling grip! We are also doing limited edition runs of color swirls!” - Mike “Hucker” Clarke
  • Mike "Hucker' Clark brings his So-Cal attitude to life on his new signtaure Hucker Grips.

    Designed with both performance and aesthetics in mind, with an intricate California-inspired beach scene laid out across the grips providing traction and padding in key areas.

    They feature a unique two material design the allows for improved bar adhesion and less grip slippage. Utilising soft vertical ribs for padding and horizontal ribs on the front of the grip for improved traction.

    The Hucker comes with colour matched bar ends.

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Product Specs
  1. DIAMETER: 32mm
  2. LENGTH: 160mm
  3. PACK SIZE: 2 (Pair)

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